Friday, September 21, 2012

It all Started with a Sheep......

I have this one hobby of mine, which started unexpectedly.It all stated with a sheep. Why a sheep?.. I just don't know why a sheep able to inspire me to keep going and continue it as a hobby.

Let me introduce my sheep to u guys....

hahaha got this make urself kit from the 5 ringgit Japanese shop... Hehehehe..cute rite.. well now I am officially addicted to sewing felt stuff. How crazy is that.. I make a big ass cute keychain with it..hahahha.. but mostly referring to food..yeah I love food..xD

Well the point is now that since I'm addicted to making stuff with felt n sewing n blah3... I kndda miss my kit back in sunway....

A Reminder to myself:
~fine a new shop(s) that sells craft thing cheaper...
~ create new design just in case I'll be using it soon for my brother (he is so tergedikz-gedikz nak kawin ok)...I would like to contribute something too rite...hehehe..I chose the decorate part....

~Lotsa Love from Me~

Thursday, September 20, 2012

oh Pengsan Gue~~

Perghhhh.. x boleh blah dowh... aku tgk blog kengkawan aku sume nyer comel3 bangattttt... Aku nyer cam Taek Hangatttt jer...hahaha.. ini jer yg mampu.. nnt belajar lagi bebanyak n aku nak buat cantik cantik lagi..hehehehehehe... dah huduh tuh x yah cakap lah takde makne nyer aku nak cakap gak...hahahaha moga2 aku boleh improve my blog selalu yer...
Yeah & We All Do <3